Scientific & Medical Instruments
Your business can be covered through a program specifically designed and developed for this industry, offering Public and Products Liability and Recall Expenses.
Arranging insurance can be difficult for manufacturers of this equipment, particularly when their products are exported to the US and Canada. This facility is underwritten by Chubb Insurance, one of the world’s largest and most secure insurers.
Two elements of cover:
Public and Products Liability – arising from your business, you’re covered for compensation, costs and expenses in the event of injury to people and accidental loss of, or damage to, material property.
Product Recall Expenses Costs – provides you with reimbursement of expenses incurred for the recall of products you manufacture or supply.
$20million for any one loss and in the aggregate in respect of products liability. Higher limits are available on request.
Recall expenses up to $250,000 any one claim and in the aggregate per policy period.
Contact Us:
Lisa West
Account Manager
Ph: +61 3 8681 9994
We are there for U.
ROUM creates, underwrites and manages books of business that deliver on our mission to provide value for you.