A broad scope offering including: Annual Marine Cargo, Goods in Transit, Single shipments, Carriers’ Cargo Liability, Household and Personal Effects, General Property.
specialist marine cargo facility has a broad scope, and full
understanding and claims management authority has been delegated to us
by QBE. This facility has operated for over two decades,
providing competitive quotations and efficient claims service.
Talk to us about:
- Annual Marine Cargo
- Goods in Transit
- Single shipments (overseas and within Australia)
- Goods in Transit (carriers)
- Carriers’ Cargo Liability
- Household and Personal Effects (overseas and within Australia)
- General Property.
Marine Cargo Binder – the benefits to you
- Cover uniquely tailored to you
- Prompt responses to quotes
- Competitive terms
- Proposal-free quotations
- Excellent claims service
- Access to specialist advice.
ROUM can offer you Annual Marine Cargo and Goods in Transit policies with:
- Debris removal – binder limit of $500,000
- Expediting expenses (machinery) – no sub-limit on the amount recoverable
- Accumulation clause – providing for double the limit of indemnity
- Exhibitions and/or demonstrations – no sub-limit and cover is up to the limit of liability with no limitation on the number of days
- Packers’ clause – giving you cover for 90 days
- Delayed unpacking – no limitation on the number of days
- Loading and unloading clause – this is extended to cover items when the interest is first moved for the purpose of being conveyed and ends when it is moved into its final position at destination.
Contact Us:
Michael Falzon
Account Director
Ph: +61 3 8681 9934
We are there for U.
ROUM creates, underwrites and manages books of business that deliver on our mission to provide value for you.