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Target Market Determinations


Set out below are the Target Market Determinations (TMDs) created by insurers who underwrite/issue products distributed by Richard Oliver Underwriting Managers Pty Limited (ABN 66 006 649 341, AFSL 238334). For TMDs for open market wordings, please reach out to your insurer partners.

Chubb Insurance Australia


Our Products

Serving U.

ROUM combines technical capability, energy, creativity, commercial acumen and technology to develop optimal solutions for you.



A broad scope offering including: Annual Marine Cargo, Goods in Transit, Single shipments, Carriers’ Cargo Liability, Household and Personal Effects, General Property.


Accident & Health

See us for corporate travel, group personal accident, journey and voluntary workers’ cover as well as expatriate and inpatriate solutions.


Specialist Liabilities

A wide range of specialist covers including: Business Product Recall, Contaminated Products, Life Science/ Biotechnology, Scientific & Medical Instruments, Cosmetic & Health Products.


"Their attention to detail and customer service is second to none."

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  • Level 32, 385 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000


  • Level 16, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000


  • Level 20, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000